Thursday, June 10, 2010

There You Go..

Refer to last posted an article on The Perfect Strike a year ago (2009/02/22) from Sir Jonathan ABC To Bowling. He believe what he have for you today will benefit many bowlers who always lament leaving pin 10 standing.

LEAVING THE 10 PIN: A Close Examination
Most of the time when a good shot is thrown into the pocket, we anticipate a strike. This does not always happen. Your first thought could be you were just unlucky. Let me tell you this…luck has very little to do with it. The two diagrams I’ve drawn for you will explain exactly what has actually taken place.

You are looking at the ball hitting the pocket at a 60-ft distance. The ball could have struck the head pin slightly heavy (diagram A) or it could have struck the head pin slightly light (diagram B). Of course there’s always the question of the ball’s angle of entry to consider.

 2nd prize
Tournament with Full Time Businessman Group
29 May 2010 at ABS Bowl South City

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